About The Speaker

Nadeem Abbas holds a Ph.D. in Computer and Information Science from Linnaeus University Sweden. He is currently working as a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Computer Science and Media Technology, Linnaeus University Sweden. Nadeem has been studying and working with software systems since 2001. His main research interests include Self-Adaptive Software Systems, Dynamic Software Product Lines, Software Reuse, Requirements Engineering, Software Architecture and Design, and Architectural Analysis and Reasoning. He has published several papers in distinguished international conferences and journals, see the “Publications” section below for                                                                details.


        Nadeem is responsible for the following courses, where he serves in several roles including teacher, examiner, and course manager.

  1. 1DV532 – Starting Out with Java
  2. 1DV533 – Structured programming with C++
  3. 1DV534 – Object-Oriented Programming with C++
  4. 2DV600 – Foundations of Software Technology

        Moreover, Nadeem is involved in the following courses as a teacher

  1. 2DV609 – Project Course in Software Engineering
  2. 2DV604 – Software Architectures
  3. 1DV607 – Object-Oriented Analysis and Design using UML